The Nog Blog!

Will & Amy, landlords of The Nog Inn, WincantonSo my lovely hubby, Will, has suggested we start a blog to document our plans to convert an under utilised outbuilding here at The Nog Inn (we’re very excited about this new project!), share the highs and lows of running a pub and like so many people out there, juggle work and family life balance (sometimes better than others!). Then he said, “I’m the ideas guy, you can write the Nog Blog!” – so here we go!

Well, what can we tell you… Will & I have been living in Wincanton, South Somerset and running The Nog Inn for nearly 12 year now. We moved here from South West London in 2007 with our eldest who was just over 2 years old at the time and along the way have completed our family with another child and a dog. We moved in just before the financial markets crashed (that’s a whole other story!) and have slowly built our business up overcoming many hurdles along the way. It’s been a steep learning curve, but we’re still here to tell the tale.


Apologies for any inconvenience, but we will be closed on Sunday 16th & Monday 17th February.  Open as usual on Wednesday 18th February at 4pm.